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4701 Airline Dr
Metairie, LA, 70001


Bevi Seafood Co. is a neighborhood seafood market and restaurant serving and selling fresh New Orleans seafood daily.  

Mardi Gras Lessons for Little Ones

Blog on Bevi

Notes from Justin and Katherine on owning a business, raising a family, and sharing the traditions and rituals of food in South Louisiana.

Mardi Gras Lessons for Little Ones

Katherine LeBlanc

Mardi Gras is amazing and so much more than you think you know. Where else will your friends entertain you for hours by showering you with gifts and music….for free. There is so much to Mardi Gras, but what makes it so special for us while our kids are little are the life lessons we’re able to impart to them in a uniquely New Orleans way.

1.    Sharing is Caring

There are few things more touching than your son catching a stuffed heart to promptly turn around and give it to his younger sister. He probably wouldn’t do that with the spear he just elbowed from his neighbor, but the seeds are planted.

Benjamin's Mardi Gras Flower

2.    The Importance of Differentiation

In a sea of hands all asking for the same thing, it’s hard to get noticed. Whether it’s a funny hat, signature call or glow in the dark necklace differentiating yourself from the crowd not only helps you during Mardi Gras Parades, it will help you in future job interviews too.

Violet ensuring she doesn't go unnoticed.

3.    Ask For It

Yes, we broke a record. 14 Footballs

If you want something in life, you need to ask for it. If you’ve got your eye on breaking the record for number of footballs caught at a parade see number 2 and go for it. And, for a budding leader, convincing the crowd to chant with you reaps even greater rewards.

4.    Dance in the streets

Everyone that grew up in New Orleans has certain spontaneity. You never know when they are going to break into song or dance. We learn that at Mardi Gras. The marching bands walk for endless hours to play for you, you better dance when they pass.

We’re excited to share these Mardi Gras traditions with our kids and the crawfish boils that soon follow with all of you! What Mardi Gras lessons are you passing on to your kids